Exotic Shorthair Cat: Size, Personality & Facts

Exotic Shorthair Cat

Are you a cat lover looking for a new furry friend? If so, have you considered an exotic shorthair cat? These adorable felines are known for their unique appearance and affectionate personalities. But before you bring one home, it’s important to understand what makes them special.

Exotic shorthairs originated from the Persian breed but were developed to have a shorter coat. They are known for their round faces and short, plush coats that come in a variety of colors and patterns. As companion pets, they are affectionate and playful while also being low-maintenance.

Unlike their American shorthair counterparts, exotic shorthairs have a more laid-back personality that makes them perfect for those who want an indoor pet that is happy to snuggle up with their owner. And if you’re worried about allergies, these cats shed less than other breeds.

So how big do exotic shorthairs get? While each cat is unique, on average they weigh between 8-12 pounds and stand around 9-12 inches tall at the shoulder. Whether you’re looking for an exotic kitten or an adult cat, these felines make great companions for any household.

If you’re considering adding an exotic shorthair or any other type of kitty to your family, be sure to do your research and find the right fit for your lifestyle. With their lovable personalities and unique appearance, exotics are certainly worth considering!

Average Size of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

How Big Do Exotic Shorthairs Get?

Exotic Shorthair cats are known for their adorable looks and friendly personalities. They are a medium-sized cat breed that typically weighs between 7 to 14 pounds. The size of the cat depends on various factors such as genetics, gender, diet, and lifestyle.

One of the most significant factors that determine the size of an exotic shorthair is gender. Male cats are generally larger than females, weighing up to 14 pounds or more. Females, on the other hand, weigh around 7 to 10 pounds. However, it’s important to note that these are just average weights and not all cats will fall within this range.

Another factor that determines the size of an exotic shorthair is genetics. Some cats may inherit genes from their parents that make them smaller or larger than average. For example, if both parents were small cats, it’s likely that their offspring will also be small.

The Lifespan of an Exotic Shorthair

The average lifespan of an exotic shorthair cat is around 12-15 years. However, with proper care and a healthy lifestyle, some cats can live up to 20 years or more! It’s essential to provide your cat with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise to ensure they live a long and healthy life.

It’s crucial to keep an eye on their weight and overall health. If you notice any changes in appetite or behavior, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Appearance of an Exotic Shorthair Cat in Relation to Its Size

Round, Chubby Body with Short Legs and Tail

One of the most distinct features of an Exotic Shorthair cat is its round, chubby body. This breed has a compact and sturdy body type that is quite different from other breeds. Their short legs and tail add to their unique look. The Exotic Shorthair’s roundness is due to their bone structure, which is denser than other breeds. They are not overweight; they are just built differently.

Large, Expressive Eyes Set Wide Apart on a Flat Face

The Exotic Shorthair’s face has a flat appearance that makes them look like they have a permanent “smushed” expression. This flat face is due to their genetics and breeding history, which includes Persian cats. One of the most striking features of an Exotic Shorthair cat’s face is its large, expressive eyes set wide apart. These eyes come in a wide range of colors, including blue, green, copper, gold, and odd-eyed (one eye blue and one eye green or copper).

Short Plush Coat that Comes in Various Colors and Patterns

As the name suggests, the Exotic Shorthair has a short coat that feels plush to the touch. Their coat comes in various colors and patterns such as silver tabby, black smoke, calico, cream tabby, tortoiseshell tabby among others. The coat requires minimal grooming since it does not mat easily compared to longhaired breeds like Persians.

Their hair color can be solid or have patterns such as spots or stripes on different parts of their body. The silver-colored exotic shorthairs are popular because they have strikingly beautiful coats with black markings around their eyes giving them an appealing look.

Overall Appearance Is Compact And Sturdy

The overall appearance of an exotic shorthair cat is compact and sturdy. They are not small cats, but they are not huge either. They have a muscular build that makes them look strong and healthy. Their weight can range from 7 to 14 pounds, with males typically being larger than females.

The Exotic Shorthair’s body type makes them an excellent indoor cat since they do not require much space to move around. However, it is essential to provide them with an area where they can climb and explore their surroundings.

Understanding the Personality Traits of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Calm and Laid-back Temperament

Exotic Shorthair cats are known for their calm and laid-back temperament. They are not as active as some other cat breeds, preferring to spend their time lounging around the house. This makes them great pets for people who want a companion that won’t require too much attention or exercise.

Despite their relaxed nature, Exotic Shorthairs still enjoy playing with toys and interacting with their owners. They are not overly demanding, but they do appreciate affection and attention when it is offered to them.

One thing to keep in mind about Exotic Shorthairs is that they can be sensitive to changes in their environment. They prefer routine and stability, so it’s important to provide them with a consistent living situation.

Enjoy Human Companionship but Not Overly Demanding

Exotic Shorthairs are known for being social cats that enjoy human companionship. However, they are not overly demanding like some other breeds can be. They will often follow their owners around the house and sit near them while they work or watch TV.

These cats also tend to get along well with children and other pets in the household. As long as they have a quiet place to retreat when needed, they should be able to coexist peacefully with others.

It’s important to note that Exotic Shorthairs may become stressed if left alone for long periods of time. If you work long hours or travel frequently, it may be best to adopt another cat or consider hiring a pet sitter.

Playful but Not Hyperactive

While Exotic Shorthairs are not as active as some other breeds, they still enjoy playtime. They love chasing toys and batting at objects around the house.

However, these cats are not hyperactive like some other breeds can be. They tend to play in short bursts and then return to their relaxed state. This makes them great pets for people who want a playful companion without the high energy levels of some other breeds.

Generally Quiet Cats Who Prefer Peaceful Environments

Exotic Shorthairs are generally quiet cats who prefer peaceful environments. They do not meow excessively or make a lot of noise around the house.

These cats also tend to be sensitive to loud noises and sudden movements. It’s important to provide them with a calm living situation where they can feel safe and secure.

Factors that Influence the Personality Traits of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Genetics Play a Role in Personality Traits

Genetics play a significant role in shaping an exotic shorthair cat’s behavior. The shorthair gene is responsible for the cat’s short and dense coat, but it also affects its temperament. This gene is dominant and can be passed down from either parent. If both parents carry the shorthair gene, their offspring will inherit two copies of the gene.

Exotic shorthairs are known for their sweet and affectionate personalities, which they inherit from their Persian ancestors. However, some cats may exhibit more independent or aloof behaviors depending on their genetic makeup. It’s essential to research your cat’s breed and lineage to understand how genetics may impact their personality.

Early Socialization Can Help Shape Behavior

While genetics play a role in personality traits, early socialization can help shape an exotic shorthair cat’s behavior. Kittens learn through experience, so it’s crucial to expose them to different people, animals, and environments during their first few months of life.

Socializing your kitten can help them develop into a well-adjusted adult cat with positive behaviors. It can also reduce anxiety and fear-related behaviors that may arise later in life. Some ways to socialize your kitten include:

  • Introduce them to new people regularly

  • Provide different types of toys for stimulation

  • Expose them to various sounds like music or household appliances

  • Take them on car rides or short trips outside

By providing positive experiences during this critical period in your kitten’s development, you can help shape their personality for years to come.

Environment Can Affect Mood

An exotic shorthair cat’s environment can significantly impact its mood and behavior. Cats are sensitive creatures that thrive in calm environments with consistent routines. Changes in routine or environment can lead to stress-related behaviors like hiding, aggression, or excessive grooming.

Creating a stress-free environment for your cat can help them feel more relaxed and comfortable. Some ways to create a calming environment include:

  • Providing plenty of hiding spots and cozy areas to relax

  • Using pheromone sprays or diffusers to promote relaxation

  • Keeping their litter box clean and in a quiet area

  • Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule

By creating a calm and predictable environment, you can help your exotic shorthair cat feel safe and secure in their surroundings.

Socialization and Training for Exotic Shorthair Cats

Introduce Them to New People, Places, and Experiences Early On

Exotic Shorthair cats are known for their affectionate nature and playful personalities. However, like all cat breeds, they need proper socialization to ensure they grow up well-adjusted and comfortable in various situations. As a cat parent or breeder, it’s your responsibility to introduce them to new people, places, and experiences early on.

One of the best ways to socialize your exotic shorthair is by exposing them to different environments. Take them on car rides, visit friends’ homes with pets, or even take them out for a walk on a leash. This will help them get used to new surroundings and become more confident when encountering new experiences.

Another important aspect of socialization is introducing your exotic shorthair to different people. Invite guests over regularly so that your cat becomes familiar with different faces and personalities. This will help prevent anxiety or aggression towards strangers in the future.

Use Positive Reinforcement Techniques for Training

Training an exotic shorthair can be challenging but rewarding if done correctly. Positive reinforcement techniques are proven effective in training cats as it encourages good behavior without using punishment or negative reinforcement methods that may harm the pet physically or emotionally.

Positive reinforcement involves rewarding good behavior with treats or praise while ignoring bad behavior rather than punishing it directly. For example, if you want your cat to stop scratching furniture, redirect their attention towards a scratching post instead of scolding them for scratching the furniture.

It’s essential to start training early so that your exotic shorthair develops good habits from an early age. Consistency is also key – make sure everyone in the family uses the same commands and rewards so that your cat doesn’t get confused.

Provide Plenty of Toys and Playtime for Mental Stimulation

Exotic shorthairs are intelligent cats who thrive on mental stimulation. Providing plenty of toys and playtime can help keep them mentally stimulated and prevent boredom.

Interactive toys such as puzzle feeders, laser pointers, and feather wands are great for providing mental stimulation while also encouraging physical activity. You can also rotate their toys regularly to keep things interesting.

Playtime is also an excellent opportunity to bond with your exotic shorthair. Set aside some time each day to play with them, whether it’s chasing a toy around or engaging in a game of hide-and-seek.

Importance of Proper Nutrition for Exotic Shorthair Cats

High-Quality Cat Food is Essential for Exotic Shorthairs

Feeding your exotic shorthair cat with high-quality cat food appropriate for their age is essential to ensure that they receive all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. A well-balanced diet provides them with the energy they need to stay active, healthy, and happy. It is important to choose a cat food brand that uses high-quality ingredients, such as real meat or fish, instead of fillers like grains or by-products.

Exotic shorthairs are prone to obesity due to their body structure and tendency towards overeating. Therefore, it is essential to monitor their food intake carefully. Overfeeding can lead to health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint issues. Feeding your exotic shorthair several small meals throughout the day instead of one large meal can help prevent overeating.

Avoid Overfeeding Your Exotic Shorthair Cat

It’s crucial not only to feed your exotic shorthair with high-quality cat food but also to avoid overfeeding them. Obesity can cause serious health problems in cats and shorten their lifespan significantly. The best way to prevent overeating is by monitoring how much you’re feeding your cat each day.

One way you can monitor your exotic shorthair’s weight is by keeping track of how much they eat each day. You can either use a measuring cup or weigh their food on a kitchen scale. If you notice that your cat is gaining weight despite feeding them an appropriate amount of food, consult with a veterinarian.

Offer Fresh Water at All Times

Fresh water should be available at all times for your exotic shorthair cat. Hydration is essential for maintaining good health since it helps regulate body temperature and aids in digestion. Make sure that you provide clean water in a bowl that’s big enough for them to drink comfortably.

If you notice that your exotic shorthair isn’t drinking enough water, try offering them different types of bowls and changing the location of their water bowl. Some cats prefer ceramic or stainless steel bowls, while others prefer plastic. Placing multiple water bowls around the house can encourage your cat to drink more.

Exercise and Playtime for Exotic Shorthair Cats

Encourage Moderate Exercise Through Interactive Play

Exotic shorthair cats are not the most active felines, but they still require some physical activity to stay healthy. Interactive playtime is an excellent way to encourage moderate exercise in your exotic shorthair cat. Playing with toys such as balls, feathers, or laser pointers can help stimulate their natural hunting instincts and provide a fun bonding experience for both you and your pet.

One great option for interactive playtime is using a cat tree or climbing structure. These structures provide an outlet for your cat’s playful energy while also giving them a place to scratch and climb. Not only will this keep them entertained and engaged, but it will also help promote healthy exercise habits.

Provide Scratching Posts or Pads to Satisfy Natural Instincts

Exotic shorthairs love to scratch, so providing them with scratching posts or pads is essential. Scratching helps them stretch their muscles, mark their territory, and maintain healthy claws. Without proper scratching outlets, they may resort to scratching furniture or other household items.

There are many different types of scratching posts available on the market today. Some are vertical posts that attach to walls or stand alone on the floor, while others are horizontal pads that can be placed on the ground or mounted onto furniture. Experimenting with different options can help you find the best fit for your cat’s preferences.

Avoid Overexertion Due to Their Brachycephalic (Flat-Faced) Structure

Exotic shorthairs have a unique brachycephalic (flat-faced) structure that makes it difficult for them to breathe during intense physical activity. As such, it’s important not to overexert them during playtime or exercise sessions.

It’s also crucial to monitor your exotic shorthair’s heat tolerance since they may struggle in hot weather due to their short snouts. If you notice your cat panting excessively or struggling to breathe, it’s time to take a break and let them cool down.

Other Tips for Keeping Your Exotic Shorthair Active and Healthy

In addition to interactive playtime, scratching posts, and avoiding overexertion, there are other ways to keep your exotic shorthair active and healthy:

  • Establish a routine: Cats thrive on routine, so try to establish a consistent schedule for feeding, playtime, and rest.

  • Monitor their diet: A healthy diet is essential for maintaining overall health in cats. Talk to your veterinarian about the best food options for your exotic shorthair.

  • Show them love: Spending quality time with your pet is crucial for their mental health and well-being. Make sure they feel loved by giving them plenty of attention and affection.

  • Provide a comfortable bed: Exotic shorthairs love cozy napping spots. Providing a comfortable bed or sleeping area will help ensure they get the rest they need.

  • Use air purifiers: Exotic shorthairs are prone to respiratory issues due to their flat faces. Using air purifiers can help remove allergens and pollutants from the air, promoting better respiratory health.

Health Concerns Related to the Size of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Prone to Respiratory Issues Due to Their Flat Faces

Exotic Shorthair cats are known for their adorable flat faces, but this feature can also cause some health issues. These cats have a shortened muzzle, which can lead to breathing difficulties. They may experience wheezing, snoring, and difficulty breathing when exercising or under stress.

This respiratory issue is due to their facial structure that causes the soft palate and other tissues in the throat to be compressed. As a result, they may develop upper respiratory infections more frequently than other breeds. This condition is called brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAS), and it can cause significant discomfort and distress in your cat.

If you notice any unusual breathing sounds or behaviors in your exotic shorthair cat, it’s essential to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet will examine your cat’s airways and may recommend treatment options such as oxygen therapy or surgery if necessary.

Increased Risk of Obesity and Related Health Problems

Another health concern related to the size of an exotic shorthair cat is obesity. These cats tend to be on the larger side compared with other breeds, which puts them at higher risk for weight gain if they’re not given enough exercise or fed an appropriate diet.

Obesity in cats can lead to various health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and liver disease. It’s crucial to monitor your cat’s weight regularly by weighing them at home or taking them for regular check-ups at the vet.

To prevent obesity in your exotic shorthair cat, it’s essential to provide them with plenty of opportunities for exercise through playtime and interactive toys. You should also feed them a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs without overfeeding them.

Regular Veterinary Check-Ups are Important for Early Detection

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for all cats, but they’re especially important for exotic shorthairs due to their increased risk of health problems. These cats should have annual check-ups with a veterinarian who is familiar with the breed and its unique health concerns.

During these check-ups, your vet will examine your cat’s overall health and may recommend diagnostic tests such as blood work or x-rays to detect any underlying health issues. Early detection is key to treating many feline diseases successfully, so it’s essential not to skip these appointments.

Your vet can also provide you with advice on how to care for your exotic shorthair cat properly. They can recommend diet and exercise plans that meet your cat’s specific needs and help prevent future health problems.

Grooming Needs for Exotic Shorthair Cats

Regular Brushing is Key to Prevent Matting and Hairballs

Exotic Shorthair cats have a dense, plush coat that requires weekly brushing. This will help prevent matting and hairballs from forming. When brushing, use a soft-bristled brush or comb to avoid irritating their sensitive skin. Start at the head and work your way down towards the tail, being gentle around their face and ears.

If you notice any mats in their fur, try using a detangling spray or conditioner to help loosen them up before gently brushing them out. If the mat is too tight, do not attempt to cut it out with scissors as this can cause injury to your cat’s skin. Instead, take them to a professional groomer who can safely remove the mat without harming your pet.

Regular grooming not only helps keep your cat’s coat healthy but also provides an opportunity for bonding between you and your furry friend.

Clean Their Eyes Daily Due to Tear Staining

Exotic Shorthair cats are prone to tear staining due to their facial structure which causes tears to accumulate in the corners of their eyes. To prevent tear staining, clean their eyes daily using a damp cloth or cotton ball. Be sure to use a separate cloth for each eye so as not to spread any infection.

You can also use a tear stain remover solution that is specifically made for cats. Apply it onto a cotton ball and gently wipe away any stains around their eyes. However, be careful not to get the solution into their eyes as it may cause irritation.

Tear staining is not harmful but can be unsightly on light-colored fur. By incorporating daily eye cleaning into your cat’s grooming routine, you can help keep them looking fresh and clean.

Trim Nails Regularly and Provide Scratching Surfaces

Exotic Shorthair cats have sharp claws that need regular trimming to prevent them from becoming too long or sharp. If left untrimmed, their claws can become painful and cause damage to furniture and other items in your home.

To trim their nails, use a pair of cat nail clippers and be careful not to cut the quick (the pink part of the nail that contains blood vessels). If you are unsure how to trim your cat’s nails, consult with your veterinarian or a professional groomer for guidance.

In addition to regular nail trimming, provide your cat with scratching surfaces such as a scratching post or pad. This will help keep their claws healthy and strong while also providing an outlet for their natural urge to scratch.

By incorporating these grooming practices into your routine, you can help keep your Exotic Shorthair cat happy and healthy. Regular grooming not only helps maintain their physical health but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.

The Benefits of Owning an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Affectionate and Loyal Companions

Exotic Shorthair cats are known for their loving and affectionate nature. They crave attention from their owners and love to cuddle up on laps or next to them on the couch. These cats are incredibly loyal, often following their owners around the house and even waiting at the door for them to come home.

One of the reasons why Exotic Shorthairs make such great companions is because they bond strongly with their families. They are not typically outgoing with strangers but will shower their loved ones with affection and attention. If you’re looking for a cat that will be your constant companion, an Exotic Shorthair may be the perfect choice.

Low-Maintenance Grooming Needs

Unlike some long-haired breeds, Exotic Shorthairs have short, dense coats that require minimal grooming. Their fur does not mat easily, so they only need to be brushed once a week to keep it shiny and healthy. These cats do shed, but not excessively, making them a good option for people who suffer from allergies.

Another advantage of owning an Exotic Shorthair is that they don’t need regular baths like some other breeds. Their coat naturally repels dirt and oil, so they stay clean without much effort on your part. This makes them ideal pets for busy individuals or those who don’t want to spend a lot of time grooming their cat.

Calm Temperament Suitable for Apartment Living

Exotic Shorthairs have a calm temperament that makes them well-suited for apartment living. They are not overly active or demanding and can adapt easily to small spaces. While they do enjoy playing, they are content spending most of their time relaxing in a sunny spot or snuggling up with their owner.

These cats also tend to be quiet compared to other breeds, making them less likely to disturb your neighbors. They are not prone to excessive meowing or yowling, which can be a problem for some cat owners.

Playful but not Overly Demanding

While Exotic Shorthairs are generally laid-back cats, they do have a playful side. They enjoy chasing toys and playing games with their owners but are not overly demanding. They will happily entertain themselves if you’re busy or not in the mood for play.

This balance of playfulness and low-maintenance needs makes Exotic Shorthairs an excellent choice for families with children or busy schedules. They provide companionship and entertainment without requiring constant attention.

Additional Resources for Caring for Your Exotic Shorthair Cat

Exotic Shorthair Cat

If you’re considering getting an exotic shorthair cat, it’s important to understand how to care for them properly. From their size and appearance to their personality traits and health concerns, there are many factors to consider when taking care of these adorable felines.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when caring for your exotic shorthair cat:

Average Size of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Exotic shorthair cats are a medium-sized breed that typically weighs between 8-12 pounds. However, some may be smaller or larger depending on genetics and other factors.

Appearance of an Exotic Shorthair Cat in Relation to Its Size

Despite their small size, exotic shorthairs have a stocky build with short legs and a round face. They also have thick fur that requires regular grooming.

Understanding the Personality Traits of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Exotic shorthairs are known for being affectionate, playful, and loyal pets. They enjoy spending time with their owners but can also be independent at times.

Factors that Influence the Personality Traits of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

The personality traits of an exotic shorthair can be influenced by various factors including genetics, socialization, training, and environment.

Socialization and Training for Exotic Shorthair Cats

Socializing your exotic shorthair from a young age can help them develop positive behaviors around people and other animals. Training can also help reinforce good behavior and prevent bad habits.

Importance of Proper Nutrition for Exotic Shorthair Cats

Feeding your exotic shorthair a balanced diet is essential for maintaining their overall health and wellbeing. It’s important to provide them with high-quality food that meets their nutritional needs.

Exercise and Playtime for Exotic Shorthair Cats

While they may not be as active as some other breeds, exotic shorthairs still require regular exercise and playtime to stay healthy and happy. Providing them with toys and scratching posts can also help prevent destructive behavior.

Health Concerns Related to the Size of an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Exotic shorthairs may be prone to certain health issues such as obesity, respiratory problems, and dental issues due to their size and facial structure. Regular vet checkups can help catch any potential health concerns early on.

Grooming Needs for Exotic Shorthair Cats

Exotic shorthairs require regular grooming to keep their thick fur in good condition. This includes brushing, bathing, and trimming their nails.

The Benefits of Owning an Exotic Shorthair Cat

Owning an exotic shorthair can bring many benefits including companionship, stress relief, and entertainment. They are also known for being great pets for families with children or other animals.

Overall, taking care of an exotic shorthair cat requires a commitment to providing them with proper nutrition, exercise, grooming, and healthcare. By understanding their unique needs and personality traits, you can ensure that your furry friend lives a happy and healthy life by your side.


Q: Do exotic shorthairs shed a lot?

A: Yes, they do shed quite a bit due to their thick fur. Regular grooming can help minimize shedding.

Q: Are exotic shorthairs good with children?

A: Yes! Exotic shorthairs are known for being great pets for families with children due to their affectionate nature.

Q: How often should I take my exotic shorthair to the vet?

A: It’s recommended that you take your cat for annual checkups at the vet. However, if you notice any concerning symptoms or changes in behavior, it’s important to seek medical attention right away.

Q: Can exotic shorthairs be trained to do tricks?

A: Yes! Exotic shorthairs are intelligent and can be trained to do a variety of tricks with positive reinforcement.

Q: Do exotic shorthairs have any special dietary needs?

A: While they don’t have any specific dietary requirements, it’s important to feed them high-quality food that meets their nutritional needs and avoid overfeeding as they may be prone to obesity.