Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds Worldwide

Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds Worldwide

Have you ever wondered what the most expensive exotic cat breed is? Well, wonder no more!

From Persian cats to Asian Leopard cats, Sphynx cats to Oriental Shorthairs, British Shorthairs to American Shorthairs, Ragdolls to Maine Coons and African Servals – there are so many different cat breeds out there. However, not all of them come with a hefty price tag.

So why are some cat breeds so expensive? The answer lies in their rarity and unique characteristics. Some exotic cat breeds have been selectively bred for generations, resulting in distinctive traits that make them highly desirable among cat enthusiasts.

Owning an exotic cat is also seen as a status symbol by some people. Just like owning expensive perfumes or designer clothing brands can elevate one’s social status; owning an exotic cat can do the same.

So sit back, relax and get ready to learn about some of the most fascinating and costly creatures on four legs!

Factors that Affect the Cost of Exotic Cats

Rarity and Demand for the Breed

One of the main reasons why some exotic cats are more expensive than others is their rarity and demand. The less common a breed is, the higher its price tag will be. For example, the Savannah cat, which is a cross between an African serval and a domestic cat, can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $20,000 depending on its generation. This breed is in high demand due to its unique appearance and personality traits.

Another factor that affects demand is whether or not a particular breed has been featured in popular media. For instance, after the release of Disney’s “The Lion King” in 2019, there was an increase in demand for lion-like breeds such as the Maine Coon and Bengal cats.

Quality and Reputation of the Breeder

The quality and reputation of the breeder also play a significant role in determining the price of an exotic cat. Reputable breeders who have been breeding for years often charge premium prices for their kittens because they have established themselves as experts in their field. These breeders usually have strict breeding standards to ensure that their cats are healthy, well-socialized, and meet certain physical characteristics.

On the other hand, inexperienced or unscrupulous breeders may offer cheaper prices but may not provide proper care or socialization for their cats. This can result in health problems down the line or behavioral issues that could make it difficult to care for your pet.

Bloodline and Pedigree of the Cat

Bloodline and pedigree are also important factors. Purebred cats with documented pedigrees can fetch higher prices than those without them. In addition to showing proof of lineage, pedigrees also indicate whether or not a particular cat has any genetic mutations that could affect its health or appearance.

For example, the Bengal cat is known for its distinctive spotted coat pattern, which is a result of a genetic mutation. However, not all Bengals have this trait, and those that do can be more expensive than those without it.

Physical Characteristics and Traits

The physical characteristics and traits of an exotic cat are also significant factors. Cats with unique or striking features such as unusual coat colors or patterns, large size, or distinct facial features may command higher prices.

Personality traits can also play a role in pricing. For example, the Scottish Fold breed is known for its friendly and affectionate personality. These cats are often in high demand and can cost upwards of $1,500.

Ashera: Up to $100,000

Origin and History of Ashera Cats

The Ashera cat breed is a hybrid between the African Serval, the Asian Leopard Cat, and a domestic housecat. The breed was created by Simon Brodie of Lifestyle Pets in 2006. According to Brodie, he spent over 20 years developing this exotic cat breed.

Brodie claimed that the Ashera cats were hypoallergenic, loving, intelligent, and loyal pets. He marketed them as being one of the most exclusive pets in the world due to their rarity and high price tag.

Unique Physical Features

Ashera cats are known for their striking physical appearance. They have leopard-like spots on their fur coat and a muscular body that resembles that of a wildcat. Their ears are large and pointed with tufts at the tips, giving them an exotic look.

These unique physical features make Ashera cats stand out from other breeds. They are often sought after by people who want an unusual pet that will turn heads.

Controversy Surrounding Authenticity

Despite Simon Brodie’s claims about the authenticity of his breeding program for Ashera cats, there has been much controversy surrounding whether or not these cats truly exist. Many experts in feline genetics have stated that it would be impossible to create a new species in such a short amount of time.

Furthermore, investigations into Lifestyle Pets have revealed that they may have been selling Savannah cats instead of genuine Asheras. This has led many people to question whether or not they should trust Lifestyle Pets when purchasing an exotic cat.

Celebrity Owners

Several celebrities have owned Ashera cats over the years due to their exclusivity and high price tag. Some notable owners include Paris Hilton and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Paris Hilton famously purchased two Asheras in 2006 for $22,000 each. She named them Prada and Juliette and often showed them off on her reality TV show, “The Simple Life.”

Leonardo DiCaprio also reportedly owned an Ashera cat at one point. However, it is unknown how much he paid for the exotic pet.

Savannah: $1,500-$50,000

What is a Savannah Cat?

Savannah cats are the result of breeding wild servals with domestic cats. The breed was first created in the 1980s by Bengal breeder Judee Frank, who wanted to produce a cat that looked like a wild African Serval but had the temperament of a domestic cat. Since then, the breed has become increasingly popular due to its exotic appearance and playful personality.

Hybridization with Wild Servals

The Savannah cat is unique because it is a hybrid between a domestic cat and an African Serval. This hybridization results in some interesting physical characteristics that set them apart from other breeds of cats. For example, Savannahs have long legs and large ears like their wild ancestors, which gives them a distinctive look.

However, this hybridization also means that these cats require special care and attention. They tend to be more active than other breeds of cats and need plenty of exercise to stay healthy. They may have different dietary requirements than other cats due to their unique genetic makeup.

Appearance and Temperament

One of the main reasons why people are drawn to Savannah cats is their striking appearance. These cats have beautiful spotted coats that come in various colors such as brown, silver, black and gold. Their coats are soft and silky to the touch which makes them great for petting.

In addition to their appearance, Savannahs are known for their friendly personalities. They tend to be very social animals that enjoy spending time with their owners. They are also highly intelligent and can learn tricks easily.

However, it’s important to note that not all Savannahs have the same temperament. Some may be more reserved or shy than others depending on factors such as genetics or how they were raised.

Different Generations and Price Ranges

Savannahs come in different generations depending on how many times they’ve been bred with a Serval. The first generation (F1) is the result of breeding a domestic cat with a wild Serval. As you move down the generations, the amount of wild Serval DNA decreases.

The price of Savannah cats varies depending on their generation and other factors such as coat color and sex. F1 Savannahs are typically the most expensive, with prices ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 or more. However, lower-generation Savannahs can be purchased for as little as $1,500.

Legal Restrictions in Some States/Countries

It’s important to note that owning a Savannah cat may not be legal in all states or countries. Some places have restrictions on owning exotic pets such as these due to concerns about public safety or animal welfare.

Before purchasing a Savannah cat, it’s important to research the laws in your area to ensure that you’re allowed to own one legally. It’s important to make sure that you’re prepared for the unique challenges that come with owning an exotic pet like a Savannah cat.

Bengal: $1,000-$25,000

The Most Expensive Exotic Cat is a Bengal

Bengal cats are one of the most expensive exotic cat breeds available on the market today. These beautiful felines are known for their distinctive coat patterns and colors, as well as their popularity among pet owners.

Domestication Process from Asian Leopard Cats

The Bengal cat breed was developed by breeding domestic cats with Asian leopard cats in the 1960s. The goal was to create a domesticated cat that had the distinctive markings and patterns of its wild ancestors. This process took several generations to achieve and involved careful selection of breeding pairs to ensure that the desired traits were passed down.

Today’s Bengal cats are typically bred from two or more generations of Bengals or from a hybrid cross between an Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat. Because they have some wild ancestry, they require special care and attention to ensure that they remain healthy and happy pets.

Distinctive Coat Patterns and Colors

One of the most striking features of Bengal cats is their coat patterns and colors. They come in a variety of shades ranging from brown to silver, with black spots or marbled patterns on their fur. These markings give them a unique appearance that sets them apart from other breeds.

In addition to their distinctive coat patterns, Bengals also have large eyes that are usually green or gold in color. Their ears are small and rounded at the tips, giving them an alert expression that makes them look like miniature leopards.

Health Issues Associated with Breeding

Because Bengal cats have some wild ancestry, there can be health issues associated with breeding them. Many breeders will only sell kittens that have been tested for genetic disorders such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).

Some breeders have also been known to engage in unethical breeding practices, such as inbreeding or breeding cats that are too closely related. This can lead to health problems in kittens, including congenital defects and other genetic disorders.

Popularity Among Pet Owners

Despite the potential health issues associated with breeding, Bengal cats remain a popular choice among pet owners. They are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and affectionate personalities. They are also relatively low-maintenance pets, requiring minimal grooming and exercise.

Bengal cats have become so popular that they have even made appearances in popular culture. For example, a Bengal cat named Baccarat was featured on the cover of the New York Times Magazine in 2018. Another famous Bengal cat is Maine Coon One, who has over 50k followers on Instagram.

Chausie: $8,000-$10,000

Wild Jungle Cat Ancestry

The Chausie is a breed of domestic cat that has wild jungle cat ancestry. The breed was created by breeding Abyssinian cats with Jungle Cats (Felis chaus), which are native to Asia and Africa. This hybridization resulted in a unique breed that resembles its wild ancestors in appearance and behavior.

Chausies have long legs and lean bodies, giving them an athletic appearance. They are also known for their large ears, which are set high on their heads and have tufts of hair at the tips. Their coat is short and dense, with a distinctive ticked pattern that gives it a wild look.

Athleticism and Energy Levels

As mentioned earlier, Chausies have an athletic build that makes them excellent climbers and jumpers. They are also highly energetic cats that require plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. Owners should provide plenty of toys for these cats to play with, as well as opportunities for climbing and jumping.

Chausies are intelligent cats that enjoy learning new things. They can be trained to do tricks or even walk on a leash! However, they can also be mischievous if not given enough attention or stimulation.

Personality Traits

Chausies are known for being affectionate towards their owners but may be wary around strangers. They tend to bond closely with one or two people in the household and may follow them around like dogs.

These cats are also very vocal and will often “talk” to their owners using chirps, trills, and other unique sounds. Some owners describe them as having a “wild” personality due to their energetic nature and strong hunting instincts.

Care Requirements

Taking care of a Chausie requires some extra effort compared to other domestic cat breeds. Their high energy levels mean they need plenty of exercise every day – ideally in the form of playtime with their owners. They also require a high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs.

Chausies are generally healthy cats, but they may be prone to certain health issues such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (a heart condition) and patellar luxation (knee joint problems). Regular veterinary checkups are essential to catch any potential health problems early.

Price Tag

The Chausie is one of the most expensive exotic cat breeds, with a price tag ranging from $8,000 to $10,000. The cost of a Chausie kitten depends on several factors, including its coat color and pattern. Some breeders may charge more for rare colors or patterns.

It’s important to note that owning an exotic cat like the Chausie comes with additional costs beyond the initial purchase price. These cats require specialized care and may need more frequent veterinary checkups than other domestic cat breeds. Potential owners should consider these ongoing expenses before deciding to add a Chausie to their family.

Safari: $4,000-$8,000

Hybridization between domestic cats & Geoffroy’s cats

The Safari cat is a hybrid breed that results from the crossbreeding of a domestic cat and a Geoffroy’s cat. The latter is a small wild feline found in South America. The breeding process involves several generations, as breeders aim to create an exotic-looking but friendly pet. The first-generation hybrid results from crossing the two species, and subsequent generations are bred with other Savannah or Bengal cats.

Physical characteristics

Safari cats have distinct physical features that make them stand out from other breeds. They have short hair that comes in different colors such as brown, black, silver, and gold. Their coat patterns resemble those of their wild ancestors and can include spots or stripes. Another unique feature is their curled ears, which give them an exotic look similar to servals.

Their body size ranges from medium to large; males weigh between 10-15 pounds while females weigh around 8-12 pounds on average. Their legs are long and muscular, giving them agility and speed when playing or hunting.

Temperament compared to other hybrids

Safari cats are known for their playful and affectionate nature towards their owners. They enjoy spending time with humans and often follow them around the house like dogs do. Unlike some other hybrid breeds that may be aggressive or shy around strangers, Safari cats are generally friendly towards everyone they meet.

They are also active pets that require plenty of exercise and playtime to keep them healthy both physically and mentally. Owners should provide them with toys or puzzles that stimulate their minds and allow them to explore their surroundings safely.

Availability in the market

Due to the complex breeding process involved in creating Safari cats, they are relatively rare compared to some other hybrid breeds like Savannahs or Bengals. This rarity also contributes to their high price range.

On average, a Safari kitten can cost between $4,000-$8,000 depending on its generation and physical characteristics. Breeders may charge more for cats with unique coat patterns or exceptional temperaments.

Caracat: $25,000-$50,000

Crossbreeding between caracal & domestic shorthair

The Caracat is a hybrid breed that is the result of crossbreeding between a caracal and a domestic shorthair cat. The caracal is a wild cat native to Africa and Asia known for its distinctive tufted ears and long legs. On the other hand, domestic shorthair cats are one of the most common breeds worldwide.

When these two breeds mate, they create a unique offspring with an exotic appearance. The Caracat has a muscular build with long legs like its wild parent and soft fur like its domestic parent. It inherits the tufted ears from its caracal parent.

Unique appearance & physical features

One of the reasons why the Caracat is so expensive is because of its unique appearance and physical features. It has an exotic look that can’t be found in any other breed. Its body structure is similar to that of a wild cat but with softer fur that makes it more comfortable to pet.

Moreover, this breed has large eyes which make them look very attractive and cute. Their eyes are usually green or blue which contrasts beautifully with their golden brown fur color.

Intelligence level compared to other breeds

The Caracat’s intelligence level is another reason why it’s so popular among cat lovers despite being one of the most expensive exotic cats out there. This breed has been observed to be highly intelligent compared to other breeds.

Caracats are quick learners who can quickly adapt to new environments and routines. They love playing games that challenge their minds such as puzzle toys or interactive games with their owners.

Challenges in breeding

Breeding Caracats can be challenging due to several factors such as genetic compatibility issues between parents, health risks associated with crossbreeding different species, high cost of veterinary care, and the difficulty of finding suitable mates.

Moreover, Caracats are not recognized as a breed by major cat associations such as The International Cat Association (TICA) or the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). This means that they cannot participate in cat shows or competitions.

Despite these challenges, many breeders are still trying to create more Caracats due to their high demand among cat lovers. If you’re interested in owning one of these exotic cats, be prepared to pay a hefty price tag and do your research on reputable breeders.

Serengeti: $1,200-$5,000

Wild African Serval Ancestry

The Serengeti cat is a domestic breed of feline that has been bred to resemble the wild African serval. This exotic cat breed is a result of breeding a Bengal cat and an Oriental Shorthair. The idea behind creating this breed was to have a domesticated cat with the appearance of a serval. The wild African serval has long legs, large ears, and distinctive spots on its coat. The Serengeti cat shares these same physical characteristics.

Appearance and Personality Traits

The Serengeti breed is known for its striking appearance. They are medium-sized cats with long legs and big ears that make them look like miniature versions of the wild African serval. Their coat is short and silky with bold markings similar to those found on the serval’s coat.

In terms of personality traits, Serengeti cats are playful, active, and curious animals. They love to explore their surroundings and get into everything they can find. They are also very social cats that enjoy spending time with their owners.

Compatibility with Other Pets

Serengeti cats are generally friendly towards other pets in the household if they are introduced properly. However, due to their high energy levels and playfulness, it’s important to supervise them when interacting with other pets such as dogs or small animals like rabbits or guinea pigs.

Care Requirements

Serengeti cats require regular grooming due to their short coats shedding frequently throughout the year; weekly brushing should suffice for most individuals but daily brushing may be necessary during shedding season.

They also need plenty of exercise opportunities since they have high energy levels; providing them toys or access to outdoor spaces will help keep them entertained while maintaining good health habits (e.g., running around).

Feeding your Serengeti cat quality food and providing plenty of fresh water is crucial for their overall health and wellbeing.

Highlander: $2,500-$5,000

The Domestication Process from Wild Lynx

The Highlander is a hybrid cat breed that was developed by breeding the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl. Both of these breeds are wild cats that have been domesticated over time. The Desert Lynx is a cross between the Bobcat and the Domestic Shorthair while the Jungle Curl is a cross between the Jungle Cat and the American Curl.

The goal of breeding these two breeds together was to create a cat with unique physical characteristics and an affectionate temperament. While they may look like wild cats, Highlanders are actually quite friendly and make great pets for families.

Physical Characteristics & Appearance

Highlanders are medium to large-sized cats that can weigh anywhere from 12-20 pounds. They have long legs, large paws, and tufted ears that give them their distinctive lynx-like appearance. Their coat can be either short or long-haired and comes in a variety of colors including silver, black, brown, blue, red, cream, and white.

One of the most unique physical characteristics of Highlanders is their curled ears. This trait comes from their American Curl ancestry and gives them an adorable look that sets them apart from other cat breeds.

Temperament Compared to Other Breeds

While Highlanders may look like wild cats with their tufted ears and muscular build, they are actually quite friendly and social animals. They love being around people and enjoy playing games like fetch or chasing toys around the house.

Compared to other exotic cat breeds like the American Curl or Wirehair Selkirk Rex, Highlanders tend to be more outgoing and active. They have a lot of energy to burn off which makes them great pets for families with children who can play with them.

Health Issues Associated with Breeding

Because Highlanders are a hybrid breed created by crossing two different types of wild cats, they can be prone to certain health issues. These include hip dysplasia, heart problems, and digestive issues.

It’s important to choose a reputable breeder when looking for a Highlander kitten to ensure that they have been bred responsibly and are healthy. Regular visits to the vet and a healthy diet can also help prevent any potential health problems.

Toyger: $500-$3,000

Breeding Program to Resemble a Tiger

Toygers are domestic cats that resemble tigers. The breed was created by Judy Sugden in the 1980s, who wanted to develop a cat breed that looked like a miniature tiger. She crossed a Bengal cat with a striped domestic shorthair and continued breeding until she achieved the desired look. The goal of the breeding program was to create an exotic-looking cat with distinct tiger-like stripes, bold markings, and vivid orange fur.

Distinctive Coat Patterns and Colors

Toygers have distinctive coat patterns and colors that resemble those of tigers. They have bold black stripes on their bright orange fur, which gives them a striking appearance. The markings on their face also resemble those of a tiger, with white fur around their eyes and black lines extending from their cheeks to their ears.

Personality Traits Compared to Other Breeds

Toygers are known for their friendly and affectionate personalities. They are intelligent cats that love attention from their owners and enjoy playing games. They get along well with children and other pets in the household, making them an excellent choice for families.

Compared to other breeds, Toygers are more active and require plenty of exercise to keep them healthy and happy. They love playing with toys, chasing after balls or strings, and climbing on furniture or scratching posts.

Popularity Among Pet Owners

Despite being one of the newer cat breeds around, Toygers have gained popularity among pet owners worldwide due to their unique appearance and friendly personalities. Many people find it fascinating to own a cat that looks like a miniature tiger but behaves like any other house cat.

Toygers are still considered rare compared to other breeds such as Siamese or Persian cats; however, they are becoming increasingly popular due to increased awareness through social media platforms such as Instagram.

Cheetoh: $800-$10,000

Hybridization between Bengal cats & Ocicats

The Cheetoh is a relatively new breed of cat that was created by breeding a Bengal cat with an Ocicat. The goal of this hybridization was to create a cat that had the appearance and temperament of a wildcat but with the loving nature of a domesticated feline. The result is a stunningly beautiful cat that has become popular among exotic pet enthusiasts.

Appearance and physical features

One of the most striking features of the Cheetoh is its coat. It has short, soft fur that comes in a variety of colors and patterns, including spots and stripes. Its muscular build gives it an athletic look, and its long legs make it appear taller than other domesticated cats.

In addition to its physical attributes, the Cheetoh also has unique behavioral characteristics. It is extremely intelligent and loves to play, making it an excellent companion for families with children or other pets.

Temperament compared to other hybrids

Compared to other hybrid breeds like the Savannah or Bengal, the Cheetoh tends to be more laid back and affectionate towards humans. While it still retains some of its wild instincts, it is not as high-strung or aggressive as some other exotic breeds.

However, it’s important to note that every individual cat has its own personality and temperament. Some may be more energetic or independent than others depending on their upbringing and environment.

Health concerns associated with the breed

Like all purebred cats, there are certain health concerns associated with the Cheetoh breed. One potential issue is obesity due to their love for food – particularly raw meat. Owners should be mindful of their diet and ensure they get enough exercise.

Another potential health concern is urinary tract infections (UTIs). This can be caused by feeding them dry food instead of wet food which helps keep them hydrated. Regular vet check-ups and proper care can help prevent these issues from arising.

The High Cost of Owning an Exotic Cat

Owning an exotic cat can be a dream come true for some feline enthusiasts. However, the high cost of owning one can be a major deterrent for others.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Exotic Cats

The price of an exotic cat depends on several factors such as breed, age, gender, coat color and pattern, bloodline, rarity, demand, and location. Breeders also factor in their expenses such as veterinary care, food, housing, licensing fees, transportation costs and other overheads when setting prices for their cats.

Ashera: Up to $100,000

The Ashera is considered one of the rarest and most expensive cat breeds in the world. It is a hybrid between an African serval cat and an Asian leopard cat with a domestic housecat. With its distinctive spotted coat and large size (up to 30 pounds), it can fetch up to $100,000 per kitten.

Savannah: $1,500-$50,000

Savannahs are popular among exotic cat lovers due to their striking appearance and dog-like behavior. They are hybrids between a domestic housecat and a wild African serval. Prices vary depending on generation (F1-F7), gender (male or female), coat color/pattern (brown spotted tabby or silver spotted tabby) and breeder reputation. Kittens from reputable breeders can range from $1,500 to $50 000.

Bengal: $1,000-$25,000

Bengals are known for their unique leopard-like spots and playful personalities. They are domesticated cats bred with wild Asian leopard cats. The price varies depending on generation (F1-F5), gender, coat color/pattern, and breeder reputation. Prices range from $1,000 to $25,000.

Chausie: $8,000-$10,000

Chausies are a rare breed of domesticated cats bred with wild jungle cats. They have long legs and large ears that give them an exotic look. The price of a Chausie kitten is influenced by generation (F1-F3), gender (male or female), coat color/pattern and breeder reputation. They can cost between $8,000 to $10,000.

Safari: $4,000-$8,000

The Safari cat is a hybrid between a domestic housecat and a South American Geoffroy’s cat. It has a short spotted coat and athletic build. The price varies depending on gender (male or female), coat color/pattern and breeder reputation. Kittens can cost between $4 000 to $8 000.

Caracat: $25,000-$50,000

The Caracat is another rare breed of exotic cat that is the result of breeding a caracal with an Abyssinian or Siamese cat. It has distinctive tufted ears and a muscular body that resembles its wild ancestor. Due to its rarity and unique appearance; it can fetch up to $50 000 per kitten.

Serengeti: $1,200-$5,000

Serengetis are bred by crossing Bengal cats with Oriental Shorthairs for their spotted coats that resemble African servals in the wild. They are energetic and playful cats that make great pets for families with children due to their affectionate nature. Depending on the breeder reputation; they can cost anywhere from $1 200 to $5 000 per kitten.

Highlander: $2,500-$5,000

Highlanders are known for their curled ears and wildcat-like appearance. They are bred by crossing a desert lynx with a jungle curl to produce a unique breed of domesticated cats. Prices vary depending on gender (male or female), coat color/pattern, and breeder reputation. Kittens can cost between $2 500 to $5 000.

Toyger: $500-$3,000

Toygers are bred to resemble miniature tigers with their orange coats and black stripes. They have playful personalities and make great pets for families with children. The price varies depending on generation (F1-F4), gender, coat color/pattern, and breeder reputation. You can find Toyger kittens priced between $500 to $3 000.

Cheetoh: $800-$10,000

Cheetohs are hybrid cats that resemble cheetahs in the wild due to their spotted coats and athletic builds. They are bred by crossing Bengal cats with Ocicats or Savannah cats. Depending on the breeder reputation; they can cost anywhere from $800 to $10 000 per kitten.

In conclusion, owning an exotic cat is not for everyone due to the high cost of acquiring one as well as ongoing expenses such as food, veterinary care, licensing fees, etc., that come with it. However, if you have your heart set on owning one of these rare breeds; be prepared to do your research first before making a purchase decision.


Q1: Are exotic cats legal as pets?

A1: Exotic cat ownership laws vary from state-to-state and country-to-country; therefore it is important to check local regulations before purchasing an exotic cat.